
A poem by this author in which a boy picks a rosebud despite its promise to prick him is contrasted with a companion poem in which a shepherdess carelessly tramples a violet. One of this author’s characters sings a poem in which a “golden goblet” is tossed “into the tide below” at the death of the title “King in Thule (TWO-lay).” In a monologue by this author, the title character laments the refrain “My peace is gone, my heart is sore” before (10[1])wishing to perish by another character’s kisses. The question “Who rides so late through the night and wind?” begins a (10[1])poem by this author in which an encounter with the title “elf king” causes a child to die in his father’s arms. (-5[1])For 10 points, name this German poet of “Erlkönig,” who included the ballad “Gretchen am Spinnrade” in his play Faust. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (“GUR-tuh”) (The first line refers to “Heidenröslein” and “Das Veilchen.” Gretchen sings “The King in Thule” in her first monologue in Faust.)
<European Literature>
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