
A silver figurine found near the village of Harby likely depicts one of these figures. In one story, a silent and nameless man sitting on a burial mound spots nine of these figures riding past him. Wolves are called the horse of one of these figures in a common kenning. One of these figures named Svafa gives Helgi Hjörvarðsson (“h’YUR-varth-son”) his name and is reincarnated as Sigrun. One of these figures who vows to only marry someone who (10[1])knows (10[2])no fear is discovered asleep inside a wall of shields. One hero sleeps with his sword Gram placed between himself and one of these figures to signify chastity. While disguised as Gunnar, Sigurd rides through a ring of fire to rescue one of these figures named Brunhild. For 10 points, the einherjar (“ain-HAIR-yar”) are taken to Valhalla by what female warriors? ■END■

ANSWER: valkyries [or valkyrja or valkyrjur; accept óskmey; prompt on shieldmaidens] (The kenning for wolf is “Gunnr's horse.”)
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Ryan FangStanford ABerkeley A7610
Eve FleisigBerkeley CStanford L7710
Michal Gerasimiukstanford MBerkeley B7710