2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 8: Tufts B vs. Yale C

Tufts B


Dylan Tanouye3030
Francis Powell3030
Ethan Siskel4040
Douglas Lilly000
Will Zhang235
12 bonuses for 140 points (11.67 PPB)

Yale C


Roger Chenn115
Kevin Zheng1010
Jiayi Liao000
Andres Cordoba4040
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Dylan TanouyeFrancis PowellEthan SiskelDouglas LillyWill ZhangBonusesTotalTURoger ChennKevin ZhengJiayi LiaoAndres CordobaBonusesTotal
-5 112-510
-5 88-1020 1330
-10310 1251001030
10 111010010430
10 85100030530
30610 84010050
10 951001060750
10 5400070850
10 48100090950
10 8900101101050
10 1471000130110 14750
1301210 63010070
1301310 61010090
10 10801001501490
10 50101001801590
1801610 1251000110
10 12310010210170 123110
10 130010023018-5 94105
10 136010025019105
-5 1082452010 13210100135
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text