
The Machiguenga people are uncommonly inconsistent in applying this practice to individuals. The proto-Indo-Europeans are thought to have used a dithematic system of this practice. A taboo regarding this practice is well-documented among Aboriginal Australians, who may refrain from it directly after a death. By Arabic convention, a nasab of variable length (10[1])may be used when applying this concept, as can an ism (“ISS-um”) and a kunya. In the wake of the Self-Respect movement, much of the Tamil diaspora has altered its application (10[1])of this practice to de-emphasize caste. (10[1])Within different systems of this concept, the same (10[1])function is served by the Kalenjin word “arap,” Welsh “ap,” and Russian “-ovich” (10[1])or “-ovna.” (-5[1])For 10 points, give this practice, by which people are designated by one or more words. (10[1])■END■ (10[2]0[1])

ANSWER: naming [or given names; or perrsonal names; or surnames; or first names; or last names; or family names; or patronymics; or calling people by names; or nomenclature; or proper names; or anthroponymy; or word forms; prompt on referring or word forms]
<Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jem BurchYale BDiamond Brandeis5110
Max WoodBrandeises BrewCarabrandeis8110
John ChaTufts AMIT A8710
Sohum SukhatankarHarvard AYale A9510
Francis PowellTufts BYale C10810
Ethan YoungWilliams AClark A110-5
Emmet ThomsenBrown ANortheastern A12610
Kevin HoffAmherst ABowdoin A12710
Andrew MessersmithA Brandeis SupremeBowdoin B12710
Armand ErbanClark AWilliams A1270