
This is the younger of two deities that are the central focus of the Ninnion tablet. This goddess was conflated with the Arcadian goddess known solely as “the Mistress,” or Despoina, making her (10[1])the sister of Arion. For being the mistress of her husband, this goddess turned the nymph Minthe (-5[1])into the mint plant. (10[1])The Orphic god (10[1])Zagreus (10[1])was (10[1])a son (10[1])of Zeus and this goddess. As punishment for betraying this goddess, Ascalaphus was buried under a rock and turned into an eagle owl. This goddess, who in one Homeric Hymn was picking flowers when the earth (10[2])“opened up under her,” (10[1])was the younger worshiped at the Eleusinian Mysteries. (-5[1])This goddess was trapped in one location after getting tricked into eating pomegranate seeds. For 10 points, name this Greek queen of the underworld. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: Persephone [accept Kore]
= Average correct buzz position

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