2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 8: Brandeis D vs. Yale B

Brandeis D


Christopher Dech7165
7 bonuses for 60 points (8.57 PPB)

Yale B


Lukas Koutsoukos5145
Peter Nelson2020
Jem Burch3220
10 bonuses for 160 points (16 PPB)

Christopher DechBonusesTotalTULukas KoutsoukosPeter NelsonJem BurchBonusesTotal
10 90100103010
30210 108010020
-5 1172530 12620
10 1221000454-5 9415
0 134455-5 11910
45610 1031010040
45710 951001070
10 8700055870
10 79100075970
751010 84101010110
751110 881000130
751210 980100150
7513-5 81145
751410 5101010175
751510 1080100195
10 1260008516195
10 101010010517195
10 83001012518195
1251910 730100215
1252010 9601010245
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text