2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 8: Clark A vs. Williams A

Clark A


Armand Erban000
Derek Fino9185
Edward Burns1010
Grace Bramer000
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

Williams A


Ethan Young3315
Marc Greco235
5 bonuses for 50 points (10 PPB)

Armand ErbanDerek FinoEdward BurnsGrace BramerBonusesTotalTUEthan YoungMarc GrecoBonusesTotal
10 13310002010 1330
10 111101005020
10 1261000703-5 107-5
10 1110100904-5
905-5 128-10
-5 1038560 118-10
10 102100101157-10
115810 1061010020
115910 6600030
10 1040001251030
12511-5 10125
1251210 97100045
0 12612513-5 7540
0 12712514-5 11035
10 10801001451535
10 12601010175160 12635
1751710 92010055
10 1311010020518-5 7050
2051910 123100070
10 53100102352070
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text