2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 8: Brown A vs. Northeastern A

Brown A


Alex Jiang3030
Ryan Lee1010
Philip Yao3030
Emmet Thomsen8080
Anna Le000
15 bonuses for 160 points (10.67 PPB)

Northeastern A


Rajat Sethi5335
Rishi Koduri000
5 bonuses for 60 points (12 PPB)

Alex JiangRyan LeePhilip YaoEmmet ThomsenAnna LeBonusesTotalTURajat SethiRishi KoduriBonusesTotal
10 13310010301-5 68-5
10 720100502-5
10 12610100803-5
10 10101001004-5
10 95100101305-5
130610 390005
10 99100015075
10 1081001018085
10 42100020095
2001010 89010025
10 900002101125
10 96010023012-5 6520
10 10900024013-5 9515
10 126101002701415
10 1290002801515
2801610 1261010045
10 5101003001745
3001810 751010075
3001910 105010095
10 1000003102095
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text