2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 8: Brandeis B vs. Brandeis C

Brandeis B


William Barash1010
Max Wood4135
5 bonuses for 60 points (12 PPB)

Brandeis C


Jack Yesner4040
Jack Feinberg3125
Kaitlyn Farrin2115
Lily Fasciano1010
10 bonuses for 100 points (10 PPB)

William BarashMax WoodBonusesTotalTUJack YesnerJack FeinbergKaitlyn FarrinLily FascianoBonusesTotal
0 133010 1330
10 1341000202-5 115-5
20310 1260005
20410 122100025
20610 118010045
20710 104001065
20810 1401010095
20910 64000105
-5 38151010 1190010125
0 14715110 147125
151210 11110010155
10 13001003513-5 88150
10 81010106514150
10 12101008515150
851610 1260100170
0 12385170 123170
10 131100010518170
0 145105190 145170
1052010 960010190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text