2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 8: Brandeis A vs. Bowdoin B

Bowdoin B


Graham Lucas3125
Nate Kodama000
Johann Xu000
3 bonuses for 20 points (6.67 PPB)

Brandeis A


Andrew Messersmith3125
Jonathan Schnipper4040
Kayla Drajpuch7070
Khumoyun Bakhtiyarov2115
16 bonuses for 210 points (13.13 PPB)

Graham LucasNate KodamaJohann XuBonusesTotalTUAndrew MessersmithJonathan SchnipperKayla DrajpuchKhumoyun BakhtiyarovBonusesTotal
0110 691001030
0210 115010050
0310 126100070
0410 87010090
0510 11810010120
-5 17-5610 118000130
-5710 771000150
-5810 1010010170
10 641000159170
151010 870100190
151110 10101010220
10 3501003512220
0 1303513-5 105215
351410 12710100245
351510 9110100275
351610 1260010295
351710 1190100315
10 1310004518-5 90310
451910 1261000330
452010 5710100360
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text