2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 5: Tufts A vs. Yale C

Yale C


Roger Chenn1010
Kevin Zheng2020
Jiayi Liao2020
Andres Cordoba1010
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Tufts A


Julia Appel3030
Madeline Straus2020
Peter Scully6250
John Cha000
11 bonuses for 150 points (13.64 PPB)

Roger ChennKevin ZhengJiayi LiaoAndres CordobaBonusesTotalTUJulia AppelMadeline StrausPeter ScullyJohn ChaBonusesTotal
0110 100010020
0210 129010040
10 92001020340
20410 970101070
20510 8110010100
10 1100100406100
40710 105000110
40810 1130010130
0 1344090 134130
401010 33101010170
401110 670100190
401210 1151000210
10 1271010108013-5 81205
10 66100010015205
10 86001012016205
0 1431201710 14310100235
1201810 1340010255
10 42100014019255
0 10514020-5 99250
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text