
An Émile Durkheim work about the origins of these practices explains how the sacred is “set apart and forbidden” from mundane human experience. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these practices, common among most human societies, whose believers often rely on faith.
ANSWER: religions [or word forms like religiosity and religious]
[10m] Durkheim’s sacred/profane distinction first appeared in his study of these objects that groups imbue with religious meaning. A Sigmund Freud essay on the incest taboo appears in a work partly titled for these objects.
ANSWER: totems [accept totemism]
[10h] This theorist wrote The Sacred and the Profane, in which myths are described as hierophanies, or manifestations of the sacred in otherwise-profane areas. This theorist analyzed the axis mundi across myth systems.
ANSWER: Mircea Eliade (“MEER-chay-ah ay-lee-AH-day”)
<Social Science>

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