
The title character of a novel by this author fixates on a cockroach she kills while cleaning out the room of a former maid whose name she cannot remember. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this author of The Passion According to G. H. This author contrasts the Northeast and Southeast regions of Brazil, where she spent most of her life, in her novel The Hour of the Star.
ANSWER: Clarice Lispector [or Chaya Pinkasivna Lispector]
[10h] A sparse region in Brazil’s Northeast Region partially titles this novel that ends with Diadorim killing Hermogenes in a knife fight. The former jagunço Riobaldo retells his life in this novel by João Guimarães Rosa.
ANSWER: The Devil to Pay in the Backlands [or Grande Sertão: Veredas]
[10e] Lispector was compared to Virginia Woolf and Rosa has drawn comparisons to James Joyce for their use of this narrative style, which portrays a continual flow of uninterrupted thoughts.
ANSWER: stream of consciousness
<World/Other Literature>

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