2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 5: MIT A vs. Northeastern A

Northeastern A


Rajat Sethi6155
Rishi Koduri000
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)



Vaibhavi Addala01-5
Ragulan Sivakumar115
Yrwin Batan10290
Sovannjet Lim01-5
11 bonuses for 220 points (20 PPB)

Rajat SethiRishi KoduriBonusesTotalTUVaibhavi AddalaRagulan SivakumarYrwin BatanSovannjet LimBonusesTotal
-5 65-5110 750101030
-5210 461010060
10 1210010153-5 6555
10 1040101045455
45510 801001085
10 65010065685
65710 8310100115
10 61000758115
0 134759-5 118110
751010 980100130
10 701010010511130
10 1330101013512-5 93125
0 12713513-5 97120
1351410 69101010160
1351510 6110100190
1351610 9610010220
1351710 8610010250
1351810 12601010280
1351910 7910100310
0 10513520-5 84305
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text