2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 5: Brandeis A vs. Boston University B

Brandeis A


Andrew Messersmith5145
Kayla Drajpuch4040
Jonathan Schnipper5145
Khumoyun Bakhtiyarov115
15 bonuses for 220 points (14.67 PPB)

Boston University B


Cindy Zhou2020
Hanson Huynh000
Ohm Patel000
2 bonuses for 0 points (0 PPB)

Andrew MessersmithKayla DrajpuchJonathan SchnipperKhumoyun BakhtiyarovBonusesTotalTUCindy ZhouHanson HuynhOhm PatelBonusesTotal
10 10001002010
10 13410004020
10 8100106030
10 8400108040
-5 10375510 12200010
10 129010095610
95710 11000020
10 890010115820
0 13411590 13420
10 851010101551020
10 121010101851120
10 1150001951220
-5 92190130 12720
10 1381010102301420
10 9710002501520
10 10900102701620
10 133101003001720
10 134100103301820
10 103100103601920
-5 28355200 10520
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text