2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 7: Bristol A vs. Imperial A

Bristol A


Kevin Flanagan3125
Lewys Jenkins3125
Rick Line01-5
Ted Warner000
6 bonuses for 110 points (18.33 PPB)

Imperial A


Justin Keung2020
Justin Lee8080
Oscar O'Flanagan2020
Owen Iredale2115
14 bonuses for 260 points (18.57 PPB)

Kevin FlanaganLewys JenkinsRick LineTed WarnerBonusesTotalTUJustin KeungJustin LeeOscar O'FlanaganOwen IredaleBonusesTotal
0110 10910101040
10 10910101040240
-5 8435310 1450101070
35410 63001090
-5 2630510 117101010130
30610 74000140
10 8801010607140
10 5801010908140
90910 57101010180
-5 99851010 1261000200
851110 770100220
10 129010010512220
1051310 11401010250
1051410 5610010280
1051510 9510100310
10 1461001013516-5 91305
1351710 6901010335
1351810 8610100365
10 117001015519365
1552010 6701010395
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text