2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 6: Bristol B vs. Durham B

Bristol B


Jacob Taylor2020
Josie Scott-Fleming2020
Robert Ballantyne3315
Lily Morris1010
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Durham B


Luke Nash4135
Amelia Rees3030
Matteo Fronduti1010
Sophie Hughes3030
11 bonuses for 150 points (13.64 PPB)

Jacob TaylorJosie Scott-FlemingRobert BallantyneLily MorrisBonusesTotalTULuke NashAmelia ReesMatteo FrondutiSophie HughesBonusesTotal
0110 111001020
0210 102100040
0 1380340
10 108000104-5 4535
-5 625510 132001055
10 118001025655
10 730101055755
55810 1210101085
10 118001075985
751010 711000105
751110 79101010145
-5 91701210 1321000165
10 10001009013165
-5 105851410 1340100185
10 74001010515185
1051610 81101010225
1051710 141000235
10 92010012518235
1251910 491000255
10 127010014520255
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text