2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 6: Cambridge D vs. Oxford B

Oxford B


Paige Crawley235
Matthew Turner3030
Oliver Beeby1010
Ben Watson3125
9 bonuses for 130 points (14.44 PPB)

Cambridge D


Percy Yuen2115
Piers Marchant5050
Ben Atchison000
Alessandro d'Attanasio3030
10 bonuses for 170 points (17 PPB)

Paige CrawleyMatthew TurnerOliver BeebyBen WatsonBonusesTotalTUPercy YuenPiers MarchantBen AtchisonAlessandro d'AttanasioBonusesTotal
-5 50-5110 118001020
-5 49-10210 105100040
-10310 11710101080
10 108100010480
10 951001040580
40610 79101010120
-5 4535710 9210100150
35810 1210010170
-5 110309170
301010 8610100200
10 341010107011200
10 8510009012200
10 981010012013-5 86195
10 70010014014195
10 73001016015195
1601610 810100215
1601710 1411000235
1601810 7701010265
10 78100018019265
10 123010020020265
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text