2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 6: Imperial A vs. Oxford A

Oxford A


Delia Cropper2020
Eveline Ong1010
Omer Keskin3315
Ved Muthusamy115
7 bonuses for 110 points (15.71 PPB)

Imperial A


Justin Keung3125
Justin Lee5050
Oscar O'Flanagan2020
Owen Iredale2020
12 bonuses for 240 points (20 PPB)

Delia CropperEveline OngOmer KeskinVed MuthusamyBonusesTotalTUJustin KeungJustin LeeOscar O'FlanaganOwen IredaleBonusesTotal
0110 511001030
0210 16100050
-5 110-5310 1380101080
-5410 5310010110
10 870010155110
10 5901010456110
0 108457-5 40105
45810 730100125
-5 7640910 11901010155
10 19101007010155
701110 60101010195
701210 8110010225
10 6201009013225
10 46100011014225
1101510 2901010255
-5 711051610 125101010295
10 102100012517295
1251810 6701010325
10 4910101016519325
-5 521602010 15210100355
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text