2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 2: Imperial B vs. Warwick B

Imperial B


Charlie Lowman3030
Gus Redding5050
Joseph Collins3030
11 bonuses for 130 points (11.82 PPB)

Warwick B


Danny Fisher3030
George Purkiss000
Josh Howarth235
Lucy Dennett1010
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Charlie LowmanGus ReddingJoseph CollinsBonusesTotalTUDanny FisherGeorge PurkissJosh HowarthLucy DennettBonusesTotal
10 99010103010
10 1330100502-5 124-5
50310 61001015
10 56001070415
10 8810010100515
10 1160100120615
10 115000130715
10 1390010150815
0 134150915
1501010 32010035
10 10501001701135
1701210 95100055
1701310 571010085
170140 13885
10 10510001901585
1901610 1250010105
10 1431010022017-5 88100
10 134001024018100
2401910 781000120
24020-5 93115
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text