2024 ACF Fall at Washington

Round 2: UBC A vs. UW Wrath

UW Wrath


Darrien Liang2020
Jack Li1010
Rosie Zhang3030
Sonya Bates4040
10 bonuses for 210 points (21 PPB)



Corwin Davidson2115
Joyann Hua000
Tai Belke8270
10 bonuses for 210 points (21 PPB)

Darrien LiangJack LiRosie ZhangSonya BatesBonusesTotalTUCorwin DavidsonJoyann HuaTai BelkeBonusesTotal
0110 30100020
0210 5410101060
0310 560101090
0410 2301010120
10 96101010405-5 24115
40610 7410010145
10 3710100707145
10 107100101008-5 40140
100910 7810010170
10 4510101014010170
1401110 7410100200
10 141010017012200
10 711010020013200
10 10810101024014-5 38195
10 71010026015195
10 640101029016195
2901710 47101010235
2901810 11501010265
2901910 7901010295
10 84001031020295
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text