2024 ACF Fall at Illinois

Round 9: Iowa B vs. Illinois B

Iowa B


Abigail Zimmerman1010
Owen Ashbrook8080
Waverly O'Malley3030
12 bonuses for 190 points (15.83 PPB)

Illinois B


David Zhang2115
Ethan Ma3030
Anila Moparthi3030
8 bonuses for 150 points (18.75 PPB)

Abigail ZimmermanOwen AshbrookWaverly O'MalleyBonusesTotalTUDavid ZhangEthan MaAnila MoparthiBonusesTotal
0110 731010030
10 921001030230
10 551001060330
10 920101090430
10 730100110530
10 3510010140630
10 88000150730
150810 490101060
150910 1081010090
10 821010101901090
1901110 6801010120
1901210 440100140
10 97100021013140
2101410 230100160
10 86001023015160
10 1070101026016160
2601710 102101010200
2601810 10501010230
10 1231010029019-5 97225
10 20001031020225
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text