2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 12: Case Western B vs. Miami-Ohio B

Miami-Ohio B


Jackson Gangle115
Cara Monroe1010
Yuki Brown5240
Nathan Wodicka1010
8 bonuses for 140 points (17.5 PPB)

Case Western B


Arjun Saulnier4135
Matthew Stall13-5
Meredith Wiper1010
Anthony Yin5050
11 bonuses for 190 points (17.27 PPB)

Jackson GangleCara MonroeYuki BrownNathan WodickaBonusesTotalTUArjun SaulnierMatthew StallMeredith WiperAnthony YinBonusesTotal
01-5 35-5
-5 15-5210 1110101025
-5310 420101055
10 301010025455
10 710101055555
55610 7010101095
10 521010085795
85810 93000105
10 801010101259-5 14100
1251010 3010100130
10 93001014511130
-5 601401210 1050100150
1401310 9210100180
1401410 4710100210
10 96010016015210
-5 441551610 1130100230
10 106010017517-5 40225
10 571010020518-5 35220
2051910 9001010250
2052010 6310100280
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text