2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 6: Michigan B vs. Michigan D

Michigan B


Leo Tao1010
Cole Polley1010
Mark Lee3220
Stephen Barstys1010
6 bonuses for 120 points (20 PPB)

Michigan D


Matthew Kelley6060
Zoe Vlamis000
Reed Sexton3030
Carter Pisocky5240
14 bonuses for 310 points (22.14 PPB)

Leo TaoCole PolleyMark LeeStephen BarstysBonusesTotalTUMatthew KelleyZoe VlamisReed SextonCarter PisockyBonusesTotal
0110 51010020
0210 4510101060
10 791010030360
30410 70101010100
30510 9010010130
10 6801010606130
10 2510100907130
90810 45101010170
90910 7610010200
10 115100011010-5 59195
1101110 55101010235
-5 871051210 10810010265
1051310 5801010295
1051410 7310010325
10 3110101014515325
1451610 1001000345
1451710 79101010385
10 791001017518-5 48380
-5 391701910 10510010410
1702010 4601010440
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text