2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 1: Case Western B vs. Michigan A

Michigan A


Rachel Fanous7260
Kevin Zheng3030
Dennis Yang3030
Adam Monusko2020
15 bonuses for 370 points (24.67 PPB)

Case Western B


Arjun Saulnier115
Matthew Stall1010
Meredith Wiper1010
Anthony Yin115
4 bonuses for 70 points (17.5 PPB)

Rachel FanousKevin ZhengDennis YangAdam MonuskoBonusesTotalTUArjun SaulnierMatthew StallMeredith WiperAnthony YinBonusesTotal
10 651010104010
10 99010107020
10 4810009030
10 6710101013040
-5 72125510 970101030
0 1131256-5 4625
10 531000145725
10 5510100175825
10 5310010205925
2051010 82100045
-5 202001110 9610101085
10 29100102301285
10 381010102701385
10 691010103101485
10 111010103501585
10 391010103901685
3901710 111000105
10 5010101043018105
10 10810101047019-5 35100
10 7410101051020100
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text