2024 ACF Nationals

Round 18: Maryland A vs. Toronto A

Maryland A


Caleb Kendrick6250
Isaac Mammel000
Andy Yu1010
Connor Mayers02-10
7 bonuses for 60 points (8.57 PPB)

Toronto A


Raymond Chen2020
Wenying Wu2020
Kunaal Chandrashekar2020
Sky Li5335
11 bonuses for 110 points (10 PPB)

Caleb KendrickIsaac MammelAndy YuConnor MayersBonusesTotalTURaymond ChenWenying WuKunaal ChandrashekarSky LiBonusesTotal
10 960001010
10210 70100020
10310 113010040
10410 134100060
-5 1085510 136100080
5610 8300090
5710 950100110
-5 1010810 13201010140
10 13401010309-5 107135
10 12701005010135
10 780006011135
-5 13055120 161135
551310 600010155
551410 1360100175
0 1515515-5 126170
551610 1190100190
10 13810007517-5 106185
10 13810009518185
-5 123901910 1251000205
10 95100011020205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text