2024 ACF Nationals

Round 10: Columbia B vs. Virginia A

Virginia A


Kenny Zhang000
Brian Lai000
Joseph Chambers5050
Luke Schaarschuch1010
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Columbia B


John John Groger2020
William Groger2020
Jack Rado4040
Albert Zhang2020
Derek Chen1010
11 bonuses for 120 points (10.91 PPB)

Kenny ZhangBrian LaiJoseph ChambersLuke SchaarschuchBonusesTotalTUJohn John GrogerWilliam GrogerJack RadoAlbert ZhangDerek ChenBonusesTotal
10 1050001010
10 150010104020
40310 140010020
0 1294040 12920
40510 1221010050
40610 109001070
40810 4510100100
40910 380100120
10 12001006010120
601110 1271000140
10 119010109012140
10 1310101012013140
1201410 1000010160
10 138001014015160
1401610 1140100180
0 131140170 131180
1401810 1190100200
1401910 800010220
1402010 112000230
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text