Kornhauser and Sager’s paradox about a group of three of these people was generalized into Philip Pettit’s “discursive dilemma” for belief aggregation. The thesis that these people deal with a defeasible “open texture” was debated by a philosopher who analogized these people to authors of “chain novels.” A slogan of the ALR school defines a related concept as what this sort of person “had for breakfast.” They’re not filmmakers, but contrasting descriptive and normative theories of how social and personal factors influence these people are called realism and formalism. Against the “no right answer” thesis, a thinker imagined an ideal one of these people who would prefer an “integrity”-based theory and named him “Hercules.” For 10 points, a metaphorical “empire” titles a Ronald Dworkin book about what job held by the scholar Richard Posner? ■END■
ANSWER: judges [or jurists; or justices; accept Judge Hercules; prompt on legal scholars or law or jurisprudence; reject “lawmakers” or “lawyers” or equivalents of either] (The paradox is the doctrinal paradox. Ronald Dworkin opposed H. L. A. Hart’s theories of defeasibility and “open texture.” ALR is American Legal Realism.)
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