Pekka Pyykko, who has written many reviews using this theory, has used it to predict tetraxenon (“tetra-zee-non”) compounds. Ab initio calculations with the ZORA Hamiltonian imply that distortions due to this theory account for the majority of the voltage of a lead–acid battery. This theory correctly predicts the high electron affinity of tungsten hexafluoride and the simple cubic unit cell of alpha-polonium. Iridium tetroxide exemplifies this theory’s prediction of high oxidation numbers in 5d metals. Platinum and palladium differ in electron configuration because this theory’s effects scale with Z over 137, all squared. This theory, which explains why mercury is liquid at STP, predicts that 6s electrons remain “inert.” For 10 points, name this theory that explains the color of gold as a consequence of the high velocity of its valence electrons. ■END■
ANSWER: special relativity [or SR; accept relativistic effects; accept scalar relativistic; reject “general relativity” or “GR”]
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