2024 ACF Nationals

Round 3: Arizona State A vs. Texas A

Texas A


Jisoo Yoo3030
Chinmay Murthy4135
Ryan Humphrey3030
Athena Shadden1010
11 bonuses for 110 points (10 PPB)

Arizona State A


Bryan Ugaz3030
Jaik Havlick4135
Skand Parvatikar000
Denis Liu1010
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Jisoo YooChinmay MurthyRyan HumphreyAthena ShaddenBonusesTotalTUBryan UgazJaik HavlickSkand ParvatikarDenis LiuBonusesTotal
10 10100102010
10 9201004020
10 7810006030
10 10901008040
10 116100010050
100610 1201001030
10 1430010120730
-5 62115810 132100050
10 1260100135950
1351010 85010070
10 10200101551170
1551210 15301010100
0 13115513-5 6695
1551410 770100115
10 128000165150 128115
1651610 1161000135
1651710 1220100155
10 1131010019518155
1951910 1170010175
10 110010021520175
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text