This phenomenon was the subject of a festival where sages juggled flaming objects all night, the Simchat Beit Ha-Sho’evah (“seem-HOT bait ha-sho-eh-VAH”). The obscure angel “Af-Bri” (“off-BREE”) controls this phenomenon per a prayer that is replaced by the Morid Ha-Tal (“mo-REED ha-TALL”). Honi the Circle-Maker gained his epithet by drawing circles to cause this phenomenon and then complaining about it. Joel’s prediction of a “latter” form of this phenomenon names charismatic movements led by Joseph Mattsson-Boze and Charles Parham. The central prayer of Shemini Atzeret asks God, “for the sake of the Patriarchs,” not to withhold this phenomenon, which allows one to [emphasize] not sleep in a sukkah during Sukkot. A covenant that this phenomenon would not return formed after a dove returned with an olive branch. For 10 points, name this phenomenon that lasted 40 days and 40 nights during the biblical Flood. ■END■
ANSWER: rain [or geshem; or rainstorms or showers or downpours; accept snow; accept latter rain; prompt on water, floods, deluges, inundations, dew, or descriptions of drawing water from a well by asking “what phenomenon created the water?”; prompt on weather or precipitation or storms]
= Average correct buzz position