2024 ACF Nationals

Round 3: Chicago C vs. McGill A

Chicago C


Max Hodes01-5
Nermeen Rahman000
Dennis Reppen2020
Liam Starnes5240
7 bonuses for 50 points (7.14 PPB)

McGill A


Nicolas Edwards3125
Sam Baker3030
Asha Basu2020
Nadia Dakdouki000
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Max HodesNermeen RahmanDennis ReppenLiam StarnesBonusesTotalTUNicolas EdwardsSam BakerAsha BasuNadia DakdoukiBonusesTotal
0 13501-5 105-5
0310 113001015
0410 13700025
10 120010020525
-5 1361560 14325
10 143010035725
35810 111100045
10 115100055945
-5 118501045
501110 96001065
10 102000601365
-5 113551410 133010085
551510 12801010115
10 11300107516115
751710 1130010135
751810 1400100155
10 1270008519155
10 145100010520155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text