2023 ARCADIA at Maryland

Round 9: George Washington A vs. Johns Hopkins A

George Washington A


Andrew Amygdalos03315
Nick Lane0000
Ethan Cohen0115
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Johns Hopkins A


Sinecio Morales18475
Elizabeth Jewlal01010
Max Niebur12035
13 bonuses for 180 points (13.85 PPB)

Andrew AmygdalosNick LaneEthan CohenBonusesTotalTUSinecio MoralesElizabeth JewlalMax NieburBonusesTotal
0110 102001020
-5 122-5220
-5310 87010040
-5410 13600050
-5 123-10510 1431010080
10 12201010206-5 9275
20710 135010095
0 118208-5 9390
10 14301010509-5 10085
501010 12010100115
501110 10410010145
-5 78451210 1271000165
0 1494513-5 46160
451410 12501010190
451515 6910010225
-5 100401610 1240010245
10 1050005017245
501815 530100270
501910 11110100300
10 12410007020300
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text