
Before Among Us, there was Bram Stoker’s book Famous Impostors, in which he argued that this monarch died at age 10 and was replaced by the Bisley Boy. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this monarch whom Stoker believed was being literal when she claimed that she had the “heart and stomach of a king” before Francis Drake faced the Spanish Armada.
ANSWER: Elizabeth I [accept Elizabeth Tudor; prompt on Elizabeth]
[10h] Stoker was closer to the truth in discussing how Stephen the Little became Tsar of this non-Russian country by claiming to be Peter III. Danilo I secularized this prince-bishopric and united its clan-based zbor assembly.
ANSWER: Montenegro [or Crna Gora; accept the Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro or Mitropolstvo Crnogorsko]
[10m] Stoker also examined an 1835 craze in which reports of “man-bats” on the Moon were attributed to a scientist with this surname who created the first blueprint. A Hanover-born woman with this surname was the first salaried female scientist and performed “comet sweeping.”
ANSWER: Herschel [accept John Herschel; accept Caroline Herschel]
<GE, European History>

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