2023 ARCADIA at Maryland

Round 2: George Washington A vs. Maryland B

Maryland B


Emily Bussa13140
Daniel Kim01010
Kevin Liu0000
Bansi Gogineni01010
6 bonuses for 40 points (6.67 PPB)

George Washington A


Andrew Amygdalos0100100
Nick Lane01010
Ethan Cohen0120
12 bonuses for 160 points (13.33 PPB)

Emily BussaDaniel KimKevin LiuBansi GogineniBonusesTotalTUAndrew AmygdalosNick LaneEthan CohenBonusesTotal
0110 121001020
0310 111100040
0410 1201010070
-5 123-5510 137010090
-5610 1230100110
-5710 10701010140
10 12000058140
0 15159-5 132135
10 13610002510-5 126130
251110 1210010150
251210 1020100170
10 1270003513170
35140 157170
351510 9601010200
10 8000105516200
551710 1101000220
551810 10001010250
15 5100108019250
10 138100010020250
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text