2023 ARCADIA at Emory

Round 1: Emory A vs. Georgia Tech A

Emory A


Luke Zhang23155
Tarun Koti11120
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Georgia Tech A


Matthew Sumanen02020
Arunn Sankar07165
Michael Zhou0000
Pranav Jothi02020
11 bonuses for 120 points (10.91 PPB)

Luke ZhangTarun KotiBonusesTotalTUMatthew SumanenArunn SankarMichael ZhouPranav JothiBonusesTotal
0110 123010020
15 24100025220
25310 140010040
15 651010060440
-5 9355510 125001060
10 13010010856-5 6355
10 1040100105755
105810 99010075
0 12810590 12875
1051010 9510100105
1051110 841000125
10 102001012512125
15 46010015013125
0 135150140 135125
1501510 1441000145
-5 771451610 117000155
1451710 1380100175
10 11900015518175
1551910 13410100205
1552010 750010225
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text