
An artist of this movement wears a “shamanic” mask designed by Marcel Janco in a photograph of an abstract dance. In another photo, that artist of this movement wears a bowler hat and mesh over her face, which is partially obscured by an ovoid wooden “head” on a bobbin-like base. A club cofounded by Emmy Hennings often (15[1])hosted artists from this movement who were accompanied by sound poems like (*) “Karawane.” An artist from this movement dropped pieces of paper that settled “according to the Law of Chance” in a series of collages. Jean and Sophie Taeuber-Arp were leading members of this movement founded in Zurich. The Blind Man, (10[1])a journal of this art movement, published a photo of a readymade (10[1])signed “R. (10[1])Mutt.” For 10 points, name this movement that included Marcel Duchamp, which derived its name from the French word for “hobby-horse.” ■END■

ANSWER: Dada [or Dadaism]
<AY, Visual Fine Arts>
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Jeffery XuGeorgia Tech CGeorgia B5615
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Bob FreedmanGeorgia AGeorgia Tech B12110