
A duke of this ethnicity married a princess whom Anna Komnene described in battle as like “a second Athena,” named Sikelgaita. A ruler of this (15[1])ethnicity commissioned the painted muqarnas ceilings of the Cappella Palatina, as well as an atlas whose 70 maps are oriented south-up. (-5[1])Duke (10[1])Guaimario IV relied on the military services of brothers of this ethnicity from Hauteville, one of whom was nicknamed “the Terror.” The geographer al-Idrisi was commissioned to create the (*) Tabula Rogeriana by a king of this ethnicity who ruled Sicily. In return for ending the 911 CE Siege of Chartres (“SHART-ruh”), Charles the Simple granted a duchy to an ancestor of these people, the Viking Rollo. An artwork depicting an invasion by these (10[1])people features Halley’s Comet and is housed at Bayeux Cathedral. For 10 points, name these people who invaded England under William the Conqueror. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Normans [accept Normaunds or Normands or Nortmanni or Normanni; prompt on Vikings or Norsemen] (Sikelgaita married Robert Guiscard. Roger II commissioned the Cappella Palatina and the Tabula Rogeriana.)
<VD, European History>
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