
A duke of this ethnicity married a princess whom Anna Komnene described in battle as like “a second Athena,” named Sikelgaita. A ruler of this ethnicity commissioned the painted muqarnas ceilings of the Cappella Palatina, as well as an atlas whose 70 maps are oriented south-up. Duke Guaimario IV relied on the military services of brothers of this ethnicity from Hauteville, one of whom (15[1])was nicknamed “the Terror.” The geographer al-Idrisi was commissioned to create the (*) Tabula Rogeriana by a king of this ethnicity who ruled Sicily. (10[1])In return for ending the 911 (10[1])CE Siege of Chartres (“SHART-ruh”), Charles the Simple granted a duchy to an ancestor of these people, the Viking Rollo. An artwork depicting an invasion by these people features Halley’s Comet and is housed at Bayeux Cathedral. For 10 points, name these people who invaded England under William the Conqueror. ■END■

ANSWER: Normans [accept Normaunds or Normands or Nortmanni or Normanni; prompt on Vikings or Norsemen] (Sikelgaita married Robert Guiscard. Roger II commissioned the Cappella Palatina and the Tabula Rogeriana.)
<VD, European History>
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