2024 ACF Regionals at Imperial

Round 11: Imperial A vs. Imperial B

Imperial A


Justin Lee7070
Michael Mays2020
Adam Jones115
Enoch Yuen5145
15 bonuses for 290 points (19.33 PPB)

Imperial B


Taiga Clarke01-5
Rahim Dina115
Jaime Salamanca Camacho3030
Carlos Doebeli1010
5 bonuses for 60 points (12 PPB)

Justin LeeMichael MaysAdam JonesEnoch YuenBonusesTotalTUTaiga ClarkeRahim DinaJaime Salamanca CamachoCarlos DoebeliBonusesTotal
10 5401002010
10 9101005020
10 4410007030
10 9510101011040
10 1101010014050
10 1251010017060
10 121010102007-5 108-5
-5 109195810 131010015
195910 581010045
-5 711901010 127001065
10 1041010102301165
2301210 99010085
10 6200102501385
10 9400102701485
10 110010103001585
3001610 700100105
10 781001033017105
10 12410101037018-5 84100
10 771010040019100
10 801001043020100
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text