Answer the following about quantum computing using neutral atoms, in which the ground state and an excited state are the 0 and 1 of the qubit, for 10 points each.
[10e] The atoms are trapped in a lattice and excited to their one state with these devices. These devices emit coherent light when their gain medium reaches population inversion.
ANSWER: lasers [accept light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation]
[10h] Quantum gate implementation relies on this physicist’s namesake “blockade,” in which perturbation by the dipole of an excited atom prevents the excitation of neighboring atoms. Atoms excited to high energy levels are generically named for this physicist.
ANSWER: Johannes Rydberg
[10m] Due to its long coherence times, this element is the most popular choice for neutral atom QC. Bose–Einstein condensates were first experimentally realized by Cornell and Wieman by supercooling a gas of this alkali metal.
ANSWER: rubidium [or Rb]
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