Barack Obama claimed to be carefully studying this time period during a 60 Minutes interview from November 2008. For 10 points each:
[10m] Identify this time period. The first reference to it comes from the third Fireside Chat, delivered on July 24th, which asks for a “little quiet thought to examine” accomplishments made during it.
ANSWER: the first 100 days of FDR’s presidency [accept any answer referring to the first hundred days of a presidency; prompt on FDR administration or similar answers]
[10e] That Fireside Chat described the rapid creation of this set of policies, which created the Civilian Conservation Corps and a host of other agencies, by a “Brain Trust” of presidential advisors.
ANSWER: New Deal
[10h] In his first inaugural address, Franklin Roosevelt declared that “The Nation asks for [this word], and [this word] now!” foreshadowing the commotion of his first hundred days.
ANSWER: action [accept “action, and action now!”]
<American History>
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