2024 ACF Regionals at UC Berkeley

Round 5: UC Berkeley B vs. Stanford A

Stanford A


Michal Gerasimiuk05145
Tim Morrison05050
Ethan Strombeck04040
14 bonuses for 340 points (24.29 PPB)

UC Berkeley B


Rohan Shelke002-10
Pranav Veluri01010
Anuttam Ramji02210
Ryan Sun03125
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Michal GerasimiukTim MorrisonEthan StrombeckBonusesTotalTURohan ShelkePranav VeluriAnuttam RamjiRyan SunBonusesTotal
-5 99-5110 130010020
10 13601010252-5 7815
25310 921010045
10 3210101065445
65510 360101075
65610 47100095
10 841010095795
10 105010101258-5 8690
10 1201010101659-5 7785
1651010 900010105
10 9810101020511105
10 980101023512-5 17100
10 1181001026513-5 5795
10 541010103051495
10 55010103351595
10 811010103751695
10 11210003951795
3951810 7310100125
10 4610101043519125
10 9810101047520125
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text