
A novel by this author intertwines the stories of the 7-year-old refugee Anita Díaz arriving in Arizona in 2019 and the 5-year-old Samuel Adler escaping Vienna in 1938. This author created a character who works as a cook and pianist for a traveling caravan of sex workers and ultimately falls in love with an acupuncturist. (10[1])That character created by this author travels to California disguised as a gay man in search of her lover, who may be the bandit Joaquin Murieta. This author of Daughter of Fortune wrote a novel (10[1])in which Tránsito Soto helps a man to rescue his granddaughter, (10[1])Alba, from a sadistic colonel. In that novel by this author, Blanca and Pedro Tercero flee to Canada with the help of Esteban Trueba following a military coup. For 10 points, name this author of The House of the Spirits. ■END■

ANSWER: Isabel Allende [or Isabel Angélica Allende Llona] (The first sentence refers to The Wind Knows My Name.)
<World Literature>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Tim MorrisonStanford ABerkeley B5410
Andrew ZengStanford BBerkeley A8910
Vinu HariharBerkeley CStanford C10010