
Controls for maintaining this condition, such as Gaster bumps, seek to prevent attachment-line contamination and T–S waves. Hoods or cabinets named for operating under this condition are used to prevent the contamination of sensitive samples. Tubular reactors operating under this condition allow for high control over the residence time of chemicals because a parabolic velocity profile will develop. (-5[1])When this condition (10[1])and incompressibility hold, the pressure drop goes as one over the fourth power of pipe radius by Poiseuille’s (“pwah-ZUH-ee’s”) law. Smooth airfoils are designed to induce this condition, reducing drag from eddies (10[1])and vortices. Poured honey exemplifies a flow with this condition, which occurs at low Reynolds number. For 10 points, name this sheet-like flow in which parallel layers (10[1])do not mix, unlike turbulent flow. ■END■

ANSWER: laminar flow [accept laminar flow hood or laminar flow cabinet; accept laminar flow reactor]
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Rohan ShelkeBerkeley BStanford A57-5
Natan HoltzmanStanford BBerkeley A6010
Andy DurhamStanford CBerkeley C9110
Michał GerasimiukStanford ABerkeley B11810