2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 4: George Washington A vs. North Carolina D

George Washington A


Nicholas Lane0115
Eva Lettiere0000
Andrew Amygdalos08080
Ethan Cohen01010
10 bonuses for 100 points (10 PPB)

North Carolina D


Vedang Singhal05145
Jeffery Austin03030
Alice Zhong01010
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Nicholas LaneEva LettiereAndrew AmygdalosEthan CohenBonusesTotalTUVedang SinghalJeffery AustinAlice ZhongBonusesTotal
10 1250010201-5 69-5
10 1190100402-5
40310 122010015
0 11940410 119100035
40510 13800045
10 1221010070645
70710 103001065
10 133100090865
10 8110010120965
-5 1051151065
1151110 1300101095
1151210 1360010115
1151310 830010135
10 70100013514135
1351510 1300100155
1351610 1320100175
10 111010015517175
10 105001017518175
10 2700018519175
10 10800019520175
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text