
In the medieval era, this school combined with the similar Vaisheshika (“vye-SHESH-kuh”) school and developed precise technical language used by linguists, legal theorists, and even poets. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this school of philosophy, which prioritized perception or Pratyakṣa but still believed in testimony. According to this school, liberation can only come from true knowledge of the sixteen categories.
[10e] The Nyāya school, which shares similar beliefs regarding suffering with Buddhism, is said to have been founded by a sage with this name, which was also the family name of Siddartha, the Buddha.
ANSWER: Gautama [or Gotama]
[10m] As an astika school, the Nyāya school affirmed these texts, while nāstika schools did not. Advaita was a group with a school of Hindu philosophy named for the “end” of these texts.

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