
An author from this country wrote a Septology that consists of seven stream-of-consciousness novels about a widowed painter with an alcoholic doppelgänger. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this home country of 2023 Nobel laureate Jon Fosse (“yohn FOH-suh”). This country is also home to the author of the autobiographical novel sequence My Struggle, Karl Ove Knausgård, and the novel Hunger, Knut Hamsun.
ANSWER: Norway [or Kingdom of Norway or Kongeriket Norge]
[10h] This emotion titles two of Fosse’s novels about the breakdown and death of the painter Lars Hertervig. In another novel titled for this emotion, a circus displaying only an enormous whale arrives in Valuska’s small Hungarian town.
ANSWER: melancholy [or Melancholia I; or Melancholia II; or The Melancholy of Resistance; or Az ellenállás melankóliája]
[10m] A husband and wife have a conversation in a cemetery in a play by Fosse titled for this type of event and “autumn.” Indra’s daughter Agnes descends to Earth in an August Strindberg play titled for this type of event.
ANSWER: dream [or Dream of Autumn; or A Dream Play]
<European Literature>

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