2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 1: Liberty A vs. North Carolina D

North Carolina D


Jeffery Austin02115
Vedang Singhal02210
Alice Zhong03030
7 bonuses for 60 points (8.57 PPB)

Liberty A


Perry O'Connor09185
Kathryn Purdy001-5
Samantha Foster0000
Jonathan Bost001-5
Samuel Miller0000
9 bonuses for 70 points (7.78 PPB)

Jeffery AustinVedang SinghalAlice ZhongBonusesTotalTUPerry O'ConnorKathryn PurdySamantha FosterJonathan BostSamuel MillerBonusesTotal
0110 131010020
-5 124-520 12620
10 12201010253-5 11215
10 102001045415
45510 71010035
10 1110100656-5 5230
10 127000757-5 8125
75810 93100045
-5 977090 13145
10 930100901045
901110 122001065
-5 62851265
10 39000951365
951410 147010085
951510 1320100105
951610 501000125
0 13995170 139125
10 83010011518125
1151910 85000135
1152010 102000145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text