
This ruler names a now-dry branch of a river discovered 2022 study led by Hader Seisha; that branch emptied into a harbor near Khentkaus Town. Negative depictions of this ruler by classical historians include Herodotus’s account of his greed to fund the radishes and onions that he provided for 100,000 men. An usually realistic statue depicts this ruler’s vizier and nephew Hemiunu. The reigns of this pharaoh and his predecessor are depicted in the Westcar Papyrus. The diary of the inspector Merer describes how a project during this ruler’s reign shipped material from Tura. This son of Sneferu built the largest complex (10[2])at a site (10[1])with similar (-5[1])complexes built by Menkaure and Khafre and was the tallest manmade structure for over 3 (10[1])millenia. (10[1])For 10 points, name this pharaoh who built the Great (10[1])Pyramid (10[1])at (-5[1])Giza. (10[1])■END■ (10[1]0[1])

ANSWER: Khufu [or Cheops; or Khnum-Khufu; or Suphis; accept Khufu branch of the Nile]
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrew Amygdalos (UG)GWU A (UG)Virginia B (UG)10110
Munir Siddiqui (UG)Maryland B (UG)Virginia C (UG)10110
Joseph Chambers (DII)Virginia A (UG)UNC A (Grad)10410
Nathan Redford (DII)Liberty C (DII)UNC B (UG)106-5
Brian Dudley (UG)William & Mary A (UG)JMU A (UG)12110
Isaac Mammel (UG)Maryland A (Grad)Maryland C (DII)12210
Perry O'Connor (Grad)Liberty A (Grad)UNC D (DII)13210
Michael Eng (UG)UNC C (UG)Roanoke College A (DII)13310
Caleb Hines (DII)Liberty B (DII)GWU B (Grad)134-5
Graham Troy (DII)UNC B (UG)Liberty C (DII)13510
Andrew Storm (DII)GWU B (Grad)Liberty B (DII)1360
Ethan Rehder (UG)Duke A (UG)JMU B (UG)13610